Monday, July 26, 2010

Derek's Abstract Touch

Had a very nice time Derek Stockley and Luke and Rio at their house in Airedale Ave.   Derek is an abstract art painter who paints using the cooking and burner method.

The paintings are created with synthetic wax and oil paint on canvas.  The materials are heated, melted, soaked, set and mixed, producing a gorgeous work of beauty.

Derek is truly a virtuoso who stumbled upon the art world when he was in an orphanage at the age of 10 when he was assigned to do an art project by his teacher.  Due to fear from his teacher, he quickly put something together which the teacher really loved.

Derek also painted water colors and taught art while he served in the Royal Navy aboard an aircraft carrier.  Onboard the ship, he also drew cartoons.  Derek also painted portraits in bars for drinks.

After the Navy, Derek knew he had to go to school, so he attended the prestigious Saint Martins School of Art.

Derek talked a lot about the touch and feel of abstract painting -- the Rembrandt touch.  Rembrandt, a Dutch painter, is who what many people consider the greatest artist of all time.

One of the many self-portraits by Rembrandt that is displayed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC

Derek's house, as you might expect is decorated with many of his paintings.  Derek paints in his bedroom and I'm sure reflects a lot on his art projects, although Derek tells me when he is painting, the process is so fast, he has no time to think.

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